Monday, 11 April 2016

My Way

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll get it out of the way first. I’ve hung up the catsuit and finished ski racing.

Why? Well there are lots of reasons, but primarily I want to go to University and give it a proper go. There’ll be no halfway house of skimping on study & squeezing in training in the hope that both won’t suffer, because they will. And I know they will.

This season was always make or break. Results haven’t been as good as I’d have wanted and they haven’t justified the effort I’ve put in but this decision isn’t really about results and FIS points. I’ve got to the conclusion I have based on who I am, who I think I can be and where I can go.

It’s hardly a secret that I really don’t enjoy slalom, and to an extent you can add GS into that. I know that the World Cup is out of reach in these events and as much as I’ve always given them everything my heart lies elsewhere. I never was interested in just making up the numbers.

I still buzz off the speed events and with the right training and environment I honestly believe I have enough ability get to where I’m ambitious to be but I don't think I want to be waiting around for the best part of a decade to reach my physical peak in these disciplines.

So there it is, my alpine racing career has crossed the finishing line. At this point I really should say thanks to lots of people. Firstly, my coaches; Richard, Sally, Mark, Alan & Chris at Telford + Ruslan, Kip & Dwayne at BSA. Thanks to every single one of them and their coaching teams, all of whom contributed to my skiing.

I’d also like to thank Matt at Head whose long term support has been huge and unwavering. To make it possible to be racing on the best ski brand was an enormous help and I was privileged to ski in them. Thanks also to Sally, Terry and the whole Ski Bartlett team who have always been brilliant. As has Neil at Racer Ready. Thanks also to my other sponsors – Artemis, Leki, Swix, Chill Factore, The Dickie Bird Trust, The Skiers Trust & Telford & Wrekin Council. Without any of the above what I have achieved wouldn’t have been remotely possible.

Thanks to Jenny & Gar, who made representing the BCST fun whilst preparing racers for future challenges. Thanks also to everyone at BSS for giving me the chance to be on a national team programme for 7 years.

Huge thanks also to Malcolm Erskine and everyone at the British Ski Academy. It’s a brilliant race club that enables racers to achieve their best not only on the slopes but also in the classroom and I’d have never achieved the school grades or the Team GB selection I did without them.

I should also mention all of my brilliant team mates and competitors over the years. There’s no fun in training and no challenge in races without you. Shout out to Laurie Taylor, we are going our separate ways but stay strong, put on some weight, have a hair cut and keep sending 'er.

Finally, thanks to absolutely everyone at Team Telford. From White Tigers right through to today they have always been constantly brilliant to me and I have always been proud to race with their name next to mine. Chris Blagden in particular has been a constant source of support and help. Wherever I go, whatever I do I will forever be a Telford Ski Racer.

A new chapter started today, I completed day 1 of my BASI 2 Performance coaching course. Working with others is what now excites me and I really want to transfer what I’ve learned to a new generation, make it possible for a child from a zero ski background to experience what I have. I know can do this and University properly.

So that’s it. I won a few races, crashed out of a fair share. Irritated a few coaches, frustrated a few more and achieved so much more than I ever could have expected to have done all those years ago. It was hard work but huge fun.

Thanks to everyone who helped, supported, inspired, officiated or cheered. I loved every single minute of it. However it’s time to move on. Racer 17513 (TEL) has abandoned the course.